Previous Events
Mental Health Discussion at Dover Library
August 3, 2019
The Healthy Right team presented a powerpoint presentation emphasizing the need for mental health awareness among the youth and ways to make a change at Dover Free Public Library for the organization’s opening event. After a purposeful conversation about mental health and directing the much-needed attention to the issue, refreshments were served and the Healthy Right team passed out handmade stress balls. The Healthy Right team was able to bring together, educate, and spend beneficial time with the community, and hopes to host more events and raise awareness for health issues among teens.

Mental Health Discussion at Dover Library
Knock Out Opiate Abuse Town Hall
September 16, 2019
On September 16, 2019, the Healthy Right team attended Knock Out Opiate Abuse Town Hall. Representatives from organizations across the state gathered to discuss the current status of opiates and the ways opiates affects individuals and communities as a whole. The Healthy Right team spoke about our initiative and met with other organizations with similar goals.

Jefferson Fall Festival
October 19, 2019
The Healthy Right team represented the organization at the Jefferson Fall Festival. The team members set up a table alongside similar organizations. The team spread the word about Healthy Right and all that we stand for. They also answered questions that citizens had about our organization.

Jefferson Fall Festival
Jefferson Fall Festival
Presentation at Mayor's Wellness Fair
November 16, 2019
The Healthy Right team participated in the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign Wellness Resource Fair at the Jefferson Township Senior Center. The Healthy Right team set up a table with flyers and was able to meet and interact with many members of the community. The Healthy Right team prepared a slideshow presentation educating viewers about substance misuse. Healthy Right also had the pleasure of including Ms. Susan Woomer in their presentation, who shared her personal story with substance misuse and left a lasting impression on the audience. Those who attended were educated, engaged, and now have a desire to make change.
Quarantine Zoom Meetings
Throughout the pandemic, the Healthy Right team has stayed engaged with the youth of Morris County through monthly Zoom meetings, which included mental health discussions, fundraising, and created a general support system throughout the school year for students who were struggling. Over 40 students have joined the Healthy Right team in educating themselves and their peers about the importance of mental health and how critical support is during unprecedented times.
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
May 22, 2021
Healthy Right sold Krispy Kreme donuts by the dozens in order to raise money for our organization! Donuts were distributed at our May 22nd Social Event, where we got to meet our members in person while enjoying delicious snacks, participated in stress management activities, and ate our donuts. The event was a huge success and was a great way to meet everyone for the first time all year!

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Mental Health Boxes
At Healthy Right, we recognized the impact of COVID-19 when it strained many people's mental health. The team decided to take action and started the Mental Health Boxes Project. The team collected donations such as candles, stress balls, coloring books, and many other items that relieve stress. Team members used all of the donations to assemble hundreds of mental health kits to relieve anxiety. These boxes were then hand-delivered to the Mental Health Association of Essex and Morris County and Saint Clare's Denville Hospital. The boxes were given to patients with COVID-19. In total, over 350 boxes were assembled and delivered, and since then this campaign has become a yearly tradition in our organization.
More Events and Future Events
Additionally, we have remained active in our community by participating in events such as the Night of Conversation Opioid Education at the Mountain Lakes YMCA. We have advocated on the local level through a meeting with the Jefferson Township Board of Education and on the state level through a meeting with Nancy Munoz, politician in the New Jersey General Assembly. We are very grateful to be able to spread our message and learn from others and we are excited for future events and growth as an organization. Check out our upcoming events for more!